Regional Producer Farmers Market
 With the 2014 pilot year success and failure we learned exactly what we
needed to!  First we learned what it takes to operate and manage a very
popular farmers market and we learned what to look for in market areas that
will lead to failure.  While no one wants to fail, i appreciate failure for what it
really is...... a great opportunity to learn, improve and grow.  We ran two very
different farmers markets in 2014 and each had very different results.  We
learned that as a Farmers Market the RPFM has Little to ZERO chance of
making it in Mount Vernon on the flip side I learned that the T5R has a very
loyal and dedicated customer base in Mount Vernon!   As an individual vendor
we consistently did very well in our Mount Vernon Sales over the 2014
season.  The problem was the other vendors did not and ultimately the RPFM
Became a one vendor market.  

In contrast the RPFM JC was a very popular market, had deep community
involvement and can be called nothing short of a smashing success.  So we
had two very different and unique learning opportunities between the two very
different RPFM Markets.  

 As we move into 2015 and the opening of the RPFM C'dale we do so with
great confidence.  The RPFM Vendor Family each has a large and loyal
customer base in the Carbondale area.  There are huge uncharted market
opportunities in C'dale that have largely been ignored.  And we are going to
chart that territory :)  

At present we have 7 of the best producer vendors around.  We would love to
increase that family to a full house of 30-32 regular producer vendors.  The
more producer vendors the better the RPFM C'dale will be and the more
regional foodshed opportunities will be available for C'dale and the
surrounding communities.